
2023-05-11 14:16:30



       1. 确定调查目的:了解医院内职工对工作环境、工作任务、管理机制、培训机会等方面的满意度,以帮助医院制定更好的人力资源管理政策和优化工作流程。

       2. 设计调查问卷:设计涵盖医院各个职能部门、各个级别职工的问卷,涉及以下方面:

• 工作环境:包括职工对办公设备、工作场所、工作安全等方面的评价;

• 工作任务:包括职工对工作内容、工作量、工作难度、工作压力等方面的评价;

• 管理机制:包括职工对领导、同事、下属、团队等方面的评价;

• 培训机会:包括职工对培训内容、培训方式、培训效果等方面的评价。

       3. 确定调查方式:采用在线问卷调查方式,通过医院内部网络发布问卷链接,职工可以自主填写问卷。

       4. 确定调查时间:选择在工作日时段内进行调查,避免影响职工正常工作。

       5. 确定调查对象:覆盖医院所有职能部门和各级别职工,确保涵盖全员。

       6. 确定数据分析方法:采用统计学方法对调查数据进行分析,得出各项指标的满意度得分和综合满意度得分。

       7. 编制调查报告:对调查结果进行综合分析,并提出改善建议和措施,形成调查报告,为医院人力资源管理和工作流程优化提供依据。





Employee Satisfaction Survey Plan
Sure, here is a sample Employee Satisfaction Survey Plan:
1. Objectives
• To gather feedback from employees about their level of job satisfaction and identify areas for improvement
• To understand employees' perceptions about the workplace culture, leadership, communication, and other important factors
• To provide actionable insights to management for enhancing employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention
2. Survey Design
• A combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions will be used to collect quantitative and qualitative data
• The survey will cover topics such as job satisfaction, workplace environment, leadership, communication, training and development, and benefits
• The survey will be designed to be easily understandable and take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete
3. Sampling
• A random sample of employees from all departments and levels will be selected for the survey
• The sample size will be determined based on the organization's size and the desired level of precision
4. Data Collection
• The survey will be administered online through a secure survey platform
• Employees will receive an email invitation with a link to the survey and instructions on how to complete it
• The survey will be open for a specified period of time to allow for maximum participation
5. Data Analysis
• The quantitative data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, such as regression analysis, to identify relationships between variables
• The qualitative data will be analyzed using content analysis to identify themes and patterns in employees' responses
• The results will be presented in a comprehensive report with actionable recommendations for management
6. Implementation of Recommendations
• The survey results will be shared with management and other relevant stakeholders
• Based on the findings, specific action plans will be developed and implemented to address the identified areas for improvement
• Regular follow-up surveys will be conducted to track progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented action plans.
